Friday, October 25, 2013

The Way Things Were
Link to Flickr Slide Show

Crazy how time flies and all of this equipment at one time was top of the line, new and improved and probably expensive (except the paper ledger). In modern times I do not think it would be possible to have a business without a computer. A business would need to order supplies, pay employees, and save receipts and other tax information. All of those things are easily done with a computer. I personally hate to be without a home computer accessible. Maybe I have a computer and the internet goes out. I hate that also. I feel isolated and alone without the internet near me. I hope you enjoy the pictures of the way things were.


  1. its like that in almost any industry, I made a similar post about the change in advertising and how its changed from old newspaper and phone books to Social media outlets and so forth.

  2. The other day I was wondering how I ever survived before cell phones. Younger people really have no clue about them days.

  3. Was the manual card print still use in the early 90's or I'm thinking of something else? I remember someone using that back in my country. Maybe they were just off dated.

  4. It is true, today's teens have no idea that 15 years ago, pagers were more popular than cell phones and laptops were not very portable. Even digital cameras were the size of camcorders. How times have changed.

  5. I remember some of these items and actually using them. When I first started bookkeeping, I used the ledger cards you show here. My mom used to have a telephone and typewriter exactly like the ones you show here. It's amazing how far we have come in such a short amount of time.

  6. Wow! You would think it's been 100 years since we have used some of these items. I am definitely going to share this with my daughter. She has no idea what most of these are. It's going to be a great history lesson for her.
