Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Bring your Skills to the Workplace

Getting ready to graduate, start learning new skills or change career fields? "Bring it" is about what to Bring to the table when looking for your dream job. Information about what skills, knowledge and personal traits employers are looking for. I'm sure every company looking to hire has certain criteria they desire from the potential new hire.  I'm going to be doing some serious job hunting very soon in my life, right now I am going to do the research. If you are lucky enough to already have terrific employable skills, see what you need to improve those skills.


  1. I major in CIT as well and it's a pain in the ass to find new work. if its an IT position , every job wants experience, but you cant get experience if every one wants it first, if its a web design job most employers do not want to hire a web designer unless they also posses graphic skills. What used to be two separate professions is quickly becoming one and making the job that much harder.

  2. I'm glad you are pursuing the AAS degree at CSN. I'm sure it'll be helpful in finding employment. Yu may also want to contact me regarding our Internship program that may be beneficial.
    Great job with your blog.
